Sunday, May 19, 2013

Amsterdam...perverse and suggestive

As I writed in my last post, last weekend I went to Amsterdam... it was the first time in Holland for me and I think I underestimated it... it's definitely a wonderful city! In my opinion the thing that make Amsterdam even more fascinating is the large amount of water courses: it's basically a city on the water and it's really wonderful...there are also massive squares and beautiful open places, but I loved have lunch at the sun at  the Grand Café coffeeshop, on the side of the "grachten"..!
This time too the thing I liked the least was -just for a change :D- the weather: I have seen the sun the first late afternoon only (it will have been for that I liked so much that bar? :) ), but I have to say that Amsterdam has its charm even in the rain!
Yes, it is characterized by water in every sense, it's on the water and under water!
Randomly just earlier I listened to a song of one of my favorite italian singers, Tiziano Ferro, who in the refrain of "Ed ero contentissimo" confirms that!

I show you some pictures I took there...

Isn't it marvelous?

Unfortunately in the flight back Norwich my plane had a problem with the air conditioning and we had to get back to Amsterdam to change the plane...It was the first time it happened to me, and seeing I am not really so relaxed in flight I was just a bit scared..! 
But later I had a safe and quick flight to my new house in Norwich...luckily!:)
See you soon!


Sunday, May 12, 2013

For the rain and the shore...on the side of the sun!

Yesterday I spent the whole evening watching the fashion show of Patrizia Pepe, collection spring-summer 2013...then I went to bed by nervous because I wanted to buy everything!! I love all the collection! Today I show you the garment more suited to today's weather: a wonderful trench, perfect for rainy days or spring evenings...

There are two color versions: I prefer the lighter one but also the blue one would be fine..:)

Isn't it cool?

Anyway never like this year -more so for the rain- I can't wait to go to sea, so to warm up a bit, today I took a look at some proposals for the this fantastic beach bag! A little bit (!) expensive but ideal to look!

To console I did a piercing and changed the nails...!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Waring Café...more than a coffee shop!

I've finally finished the book "why now is the time to Crush it cash in on your passion", by Gary Vaynerchuk...and I absolutely have to say that it is really interesting...He is a very charismatic guy and with a direct, simple and young language is able to address and capture the attention of people of all ages!
For this reason I recommend this reading to all...Thursday I suggested this book to Sian Lacey, a mature girl who my tutor and I had met in a pleasant location in Norwich: the Waring Cafe in the Warings Furniture is a really really nice bar near the castle, I'd never been and it was a pleasant  discovery! Also it was an interesting and fruitful meeting because the comparison with new people is always enriching and enjoyable!
Norwich last Thursday was very sunny and already my mood starts in the best way.. :D, then this place is very comfortable, peaceful and refined,

and the meeting went well...if interested also visit Sian Lacey's blog, she has mainly the same interests as me! And my tutor in Norwich Richard Patey, beh he is always full of initiatives: his next goal is to write an e-book...and I'm sure that he will do it! Richard is ambitious like me and I have always enjoyed the people who like to test themselves!
Ah, it's May, it's warm (I'm writing from the park!!) and I'm happy...and tomorrow I will travel to Amsterdam!!! I've never visited this city and I'm very curious...I will let you know!
Anyway I didn't forget that I have to study.. :D, but a few days of relaxation is well deserved and recharges the batteries..! I wish you a lovely week!

Ps: meanwhile take a look at some self-timers that I enjoyed to take with my IPhone...hope you like them! :)


Sunday, April 28, 2013

The last effort and...Doctor Sarti!

Hi everyone!

Today I am a little mum doesn't believe me yet but despite the sun and the spring air in Norwich...I have found the time for study! :D Or better, I'm really determined because after five years of university now that I'm at the end of my university career and doing this interesting internship here in Uk...I really want to graduated (fortunately I miss only one test at the end, even if it is the hardest...but I will make it :D ) this year and find a rewarding job!
It would be great for me work in the field of market analysis, quality of services (the best exam I've studied!!), customer life time value and marketing in general... these the most important knowledge I have learned during my university career in Statistical sciences, Economics and Business!
I have to admit that even if I was very young I chose the most suitable field for me and I have learned a lot of interesting things...and it would be great apply them in a job and not only on the books!
In the meantime I feel very young yet and since I was a child I always liked fashion and beauty products and one of my biggest dreams is ever been make a photo book, or a fashion show and so on...I believe enough in myself and I've always loved risk and put myself in the I am very open to various opportunities and experiences!
Meanwhile, I love to live my life to the fullest waiting for some positive surprises...and tomorrow I will study for the exam!!! :D

Friday, April 26, 2013

Liu Jo is always Liu Jo!

Last weekend I went to Italy for a short Italian break and I took advantage of have a look of the fashion shops (have a look means that I occupied all my afternoons.. :) ) particular I liked the new collection of Liu's one of my favorite brands and it never deludes me...I show you just my favorite fashions:

They are all one better than the other!                                                          

As regards the shoes collection I loved this pair very much...needless to say that I would like to buy that as soon as possible!! And I have already thought about all the possible combinations with my dresses :)

Aren't they wonderful?


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hi! I show you a music video that I made in Italy just before leaving... the group is an Italian local group and in the video there is also the participation of a famous soubrette, Alessia Merz.
So...have fun and let me know what do you think about!

Group: Stilnovo
Track: Bastardo

And already there are I show you a short film about the nuclear energy in Italy with my participation as well! :)

Un futuro radioso


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Add me on Twitter!

I just entered on Twitter and desperately need followers!!! :D It's a new challenge for me!
I would like to meet you all!

I'm not used to write because in Italy is still not widespread, as blogs and other social networks in general, but I promise you I will get better!
Thanks! :)

The best red

I love this lipstick!

It's the Rouge Dior 648 rouge de scene by Christian Dior! I enclose also the link to Amazon, in which you can choose your favorite color!

One of the brands that I like the most

Hi everyone!!
I was peeking the new collection for spring/summer 2013 by Patrizia Pepe, one of my favorite Italian brand, and I fell in love with a dress that I can not show in my blog!

Is not it wonderful? Tell me what you think!I find it suitable for a ceremony but also for a night a bit 'special!
And always by Patrizia Pepe I can't wait to buy these boots...first of all because now mine are disintegrated :D and then because I liked them immediately!

I prefer the lighter ones but both are fantastic!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring has coming in Norwich!

Hi! I didn't hope anymore but finally the sun and the warm are come in Norwich too!! The city is even more beautiful and I realized one time more how I love the sun!! In the afternoon I didn't wear the vest but a top that I've bought last weekend in London, at Forever 21! Today is been a very relaxing day for me, I walked around the city center and took some pictures! And for some I enjoyed to edit with a pair of applications that I recently downloaded in my Iphone5!

Seeing is hard to see I'm very proud of my new nails color... :D

Finally I show you some of the pictures that I've modified with Instacollage, InstaEffects and was the first time I've experienced these applications but I liked the result! :)

Monday, April 8, 2013


Hello!! As I promised...only English from today! Last weekend I went to London with some friends...we housed in a really nice accommodation close to the Tower Bridge...London's charm is timeless, and despite the weather (will the cold have end??) we had a fabulous time!
The thing I liked most was live London not from a point of view of a tourist but from which of a resident...not to see "forcedly" what that it can't not view of London but live the city in many her aspects at many different times.
I also took advantage for take some pictures, and in particular I've wanted experience the ipanorama photos...I attach here some:

Westminster Abbey

The Bridge

Camden Town

Brick Lane

After this beautiful and funny weekend yesterday I comed back in my new and nice house in the way, I show you a picture of the relax room of the house! when I arrived there I fell asleep immediately!!!

And while I'm in time travel (when I can I love travel) I've booked three days at Amsterdam next you suggest me some places/local to visit? :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

And in the meantime...the new house!

Ciao a tutti!

Sono Lorenza, studentessa ormai al termine della carriera universitaria quinquiennale in Scienze Statistiche presso l'università di Bologna.

Inizio a scrivere oggi perché tra un tribolo e l'altro (tribolo è italiano o bolognese? :) ) ho avuto poco tempo e rilassatezza in queste mie prime tre settimane in Inghilterra...oltre, in tutta sincerità, alla vergogna di scrivere pubblicamente su di me...non so, ho paura di passare per la classica che se la tira, anche perché penso sempre che a nessuno importi leggere le più o meno cazzate di una ragazza ventiseienne che non sa ancora bene cosa farà nella sua è quello che vorrei iniziare a fare, semplicemente magari mi aiuta anche a riflettere di più su me stessa e su quello che mi piace fare...e perché intanto qualcosa é sempre meglio provarla a fare...e comunque a me proprio non piace rimanere con le mani in mano! Per iniziare a scrivere ho preso forza, nuova consapevolezza e ottimismo anche grazie al tutor per cui sto facendo una nuova esperienza qui a Norwich, Richard Patey. E' lui che mi sta facendo scoprire il mondo dei blog e del marketing online (che ho studiato sia durante la triennale ad economia che nella magistrale a scienze statistiche)...è un ambito attuale e stimolante e quindi mi sono detta...perché non addentrarmi di più? Dicevo appunto che sono a Norwich da venti giorni per un tirocinio all'estero -quello che in gergo universitario viene chiamato erasmus placement- e ho cambiato vari hotel e b& effetti pensavo sarebbe stato più semplice trovare finalmente l'ho trovata e domani mi trasferisco! Sono emozionata e disorientata, ma positiva per la nuova avventura che mi aspetta! dei miei principali obiettivi, oltre al desiderio di misurarmi con me stessa, è quello di imparare bene l'inglese, che ormai studio da prima di parlare correttamente la mia lingua..! Whereby from the next time I'll try to write in English! Have a nice evening!